
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday (10)

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there will be a new topic and a new list to make. Be sure to stop by the host blog to see all of the other blogs participating!

This week's topic:
Top Ten Authors I Wish Would Write Another Book

1. Charlotte Bronte - Jane Eyre is one of my all-time favorite books and I wish Charlotte had written more.

2. Jane Austen - What can I say...I love Victorian romances.

3. Stephenie Meyer - Yes, I know. But I wish she would finish Midnight Sun.

4. Kathryn Stockett - I loved The Help and would love to see more from her.

5. Susan Kay - I absolutely love her retelling of Phantom of the Opera. I think any book from her would be fabulous.

6. J.K. Rowling - Need I say more?

And I'll add more as I think of them!

What made your Top Ten list? Please leave a comment or link to your blog!


  1. Totally agree with Stephenie Meyer. I would love Midnight Sun or the sequel to The Host. Great list!

    - Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl
    Visit my Top Ten!

  2. Can't believe I forgot Stockett. Also I want more of The Host series from Meyers. =] Awesome list. =]
    Here is My Top Ten

  3. Awesome list - you reminded me of so many great authors like Bronte and Austen (love, love, love).

  4. I think we can all agree that good authors do not (1) write fast enough and (2) write enough books!

    Here is my Top Ten Authors I Wish Would Write Another Book. I hope you will stop by!

  5. I have Jane Austen on my list too. More books from her would be sooooooo fantastic.

  6. Austen is a great choice. I didn't even think of her, probably since I still have to read a couple of her books... Rowling was on my list too.
