
About Me

While I've always loved to read and would eagerly devour books as a child, when high school and college came, I found it hard to make time for anything other than a textbook. Eventually, however, I picked up Twilight; the rest, as they say, is history. That book led me to others, which led me to the wonderful world of blogging. Over the past seven years, I have had the pleasure of reading imaginative and poignant stories, attending conventions where the excitement and passion for reading is tangible, and making new friends who understand that our favorite characters and stories have a life far beyond the page. Although I did take some time away from my blog, I have been able to come back with renewed energy and continue to be enthralled with story after story!

Currently, I am a teacher and church musician in Salt Lake City, Utah. Although I never imagined that I would teach middle school, it would be hard to imagine a job that had more potential for being rewarding. I have the best group of friends that anyone could ask for, and together we have wonderful adventures (and misadventures). When I'm not reading or attempting to write, I enjoy Utah Grizzlies hockey games, binge-watching popular shows on Netflix, and trying to train a new puppy. My life is often very busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Authors and Publishers: I am more than happy to accept review copies, participate in blog tours, host interviews or guest posts, and hold giveaways. To read my full review policy, please click here.

To contact me, please email portraitofabook(at)gmail(dot)com.

Happy reading!